Evaluating Fertilizer Recommendations with Farmers
The Africa RISING program adopts the mother-baby trial approach to test, validate and disseminate research results. Under this approach farmers have been exposed to the... -
Fertilizer Microdosing
Most farmers and extension officers in Tanzania use blanket fertilizer recommendations, which can be ineffective in sustaining crops productions. The most recent fertilizer... -
Food Fortification Practices and Awareness
The postharvest management research of Africa RISING focuses on testing innovative postharvest handling, processing and storage technologies to reduce postharvest loss and... -
Management of Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) in Tanzania
This study contains data about mapping prevalence, incidence, and severity of MLN in northern Tanzania. About the project Project title: Integrated Approaches to Manage... -
Improved Crop Varieties, Agronomic Practices, Soil Water Conservation Practices
Establishment of demonstration plots on improved crop varieties (maize, groundnuts, soybeans and beans) and best-bet agronomic pratices and soil and water conservation practices... -
Rapid Characterization of Farming Systems in Africa RISING- Tanzania
This data study contains household and community survey data in support of Africa RISING farming systems analysis. About the project Project title: Africa RISING- Sustainable... -
Analysis of Soil Related Constraints for Sustainable Intensification
FAO estimates that agricultural intensification contributes about 80% of increased crop production in developing countries. Thus sustainable intensification (SI) will require,... -
Africa RISING Tanzania- Intensifying Maize-Based Cropping Systems Through Pig...
Yield advantages in intercropping are determined by the net effects of positive (facilitative and complementarity) interactions and mitigating negative (competitive)...