Monitoring of Market Prices, Characterization of Value Chains, Cost and Benef...
This research aims (1) monitor the market prices on quarterly basis in Bougouni and Koutiala, (2) make a comparative analysis of on-farm trials conducted in intervention zones... -
Rapid Characterization of Farming Systems in Africa RISING- Tanzania
This data study contains household and community survey data in support of Africa RISING farming systems analysis. About the project Project title: Africa RISING- Sustainable... -
Africa RISING Tanzania- Intensifying Maize-Based Cropping Systems Through Pig...
Yield advantages in intercropping are determined by the net effects of positive (facilitative and complementarity) interactions and mitigating negative (competitive)... -
Rapid Characterisation of Farming Systems in Africa RISING- Ghana
This data study contains household and community survey data in support of Africa RISING farming systems analysis. About the project Project title: AfricaRISING- Sustainable...