Efficacy of Trials of Improved Practices (TIPs) Approach and Partial Processi...
This data contains data produced from cross-sectional survey and lab experiment on shelf life of processed legume. -
Gender Roles in Household Legume Utilization for Complementary Feeding in Ded...
This study contains data from the survey conducted to assess gender roles in household legume utilization for complementary feeding in Dedza and Ntcheu districts of Malawi -
Sustainable Intensification of Low-Input Agriculture Systems Zambia
The datasets contain field level trial data on low-input agriculture systems in Zambia About the project Project title: AfricaRISING- Sustainable Intensification of... -
Rapid Characterization of Farming Systems in Africa RISING- Tanzania
This data study contains household and community survey data in support of Africa RISING farming systems analysis. About the project Project title: Africa RISING- Sustainable... -
A Survey on Nutrition Related Issues by AVRDC
AVRDC conducted a survey on nutrition related issues, which was planned jointly with ICRISAT. While AVRDC will make the detailed results available as appropriate, the following... -
Rapid Characterisation of Farming Systems in Africa RISING- Ghana
This data study contains household and community survey data in support of Africa RISING farming systems analysis. About the project Project title: AfricaRISING- Sustainable...