Africa RISING Tanzania- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of Vegetables
This study contains data on pest and disease incidence. About the project Project title: Africa RISING Project abstract The aim of the Africa RISING project in Kongwa... -
Africa RISING-Yield of Maize-Vegetable Intercrop in Northern Ghana
About the project Project title: Africa RISING-Yield of Maize-Vegetable Intercrop as Influenced by Varying Plant Densities in Northern Ghana Project abstract The project... -
Test and Disseminate Technologies to Intensity Vegetable Mono-cropping
This data study explores integrating vegetable into cereal-legume cropping productions systems in Ghana About the project Project title: AfricaRISING - Sustainable... -
Mali Africa RISING: Farm Characterization Survey
This data study contains data on the farm characterization survey conducted in the villages of Sirakele, Sibirila, and Dieba. About the project Project title: Africa RISING-...