Africa RISING-On-Farm Testing and Dissemination of Combination of Technologie...
About the project Project title: On-Farm Testing and Dissemination of Combination of Technologies Project abstract This project was conceived with the goal to evaluate the... -
Management of Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) in Tanzania
This study contains data about mapping prevalence, incidence, and severity of MLN in northern Tanzania. About the project Project title: Integrated Approaches to Manage... -
Maize and Pigeonpea Intercropping
The project tested different spatial maize/pigeon peas arrangements in the field with already recommended varieties that are differentiated by maturity periods (which affect... -
Promoting Sustainable Intensification Through Efficient Application of Differ...
This study contains data from twelve (12) sites/farmers on sustainable intensification through efficient application of different fertilizers. These 12 sites/farmers were... -
Africa RISING Tanzania- Intensifying Maize-Based Cropping Systems Through Pig...
Yield advantages in intercropping are determined by the net effects of positive (facilitative and complementarity) interactions and mitigating negative (competitive)... -
Malawi: Grain Legumes Productivity in Different Crop Arrangments
This data study contains data on the intensification of production of soyabean, groundnut, cowpea and maize. About the project Project title: Malawi: Grain Legumes... -
Malawi: Yield Cuts Survey
This study contains data from a survey about yield cuts in Malawi. About the project Project title: Malawi: Yield Cuts Survey Project abstract The Malawi project has local...