Monitoring of Market Prices, Characterization of Value Chains, Cost and Benef...
This research aims (1) monitor the market prices on quarterly basis in Bougouni and Koutiala, (2) make a comparative analysis of on-farm trials conducted in intervention zones... -
Evaluating Fertilizer Recommendations with Farmers
The Africa RISING program adopts the mother-baby trial approach to test, validate and disseminate research results. Under this approach farmers have been exposed to the... -
Sustainable Intensification of Low-Input Agriculture Systems Zambia
The datasets contain field level trial data on low-input agriculture systems in Zambia About the project Project title: AfricaRISING- Sustainable Intensification of... -
Food Fortification Practices and Awareness
The postharvest management research of Africa RISING focuses on testing innovative postharvest handling, processing and storage technologies to reduce postharvest loss and... -
Baseline Survey on Household and Farmer Organization in Bougouni and Koutiala
This data study contains data on the activities by concerned farmer organizations and focuses on household, farmers’ way of life, family members, property and income-generating... -
Mali Africa RISING: Farm Characterization Survey
This data study contains data on the farm characterization survey conducted in the villages of Sirakele, Sibirila, and Dieba. About the project Project title: Africa RISING-... -
Rapid Characterisation of Farming Systems in Africa RISING- Ghana
This data study contains household and community survey data in support of Africa RISING farming systems analysis. About the project Project title: AfricaRISING- Sustainable...