Phenotypic dataset involving BC1S1 progenies and their parental lines
Stress Tolerant Maize for Africa for Improved Livelihoods -
Cowpea Yield Evaluation Trials - Grootfontein, 1992
The Cowpea Breeding Unit develops improved cowpea lines with high grain yield potential and resistance/tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses and possessing farmers and... -
Seed yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) production from whole tubers versus mini...
An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of using whole tubers versus minisetts to produce seed yams. Six treatments were combinations of whole tubers and... -
Agronomic performance of two cassava varieties (MM96/0287 and MM96/0735) intr...
Project objective is to increase smallholders productivity and market access for targeted commodities (Banana, Cassava, Vegetables and Milk). The project is structured around... -
Cassava storage root yield as affected by planting and harvest date and ferti...
The aim of this reinvestment is to achieve impact at smallholder level at scale through agronomic decision support and tailored advice by sustaining the use of the AKILIMO... -
Beyond women’s traits: Exploring how gender, social difference and household ...
The Next Generation Cassava Breeding project (NextGen Cassava) seeks to modernize partner cassava breeding institutions in Africa and use cutting-edge tools for efficient...