Climate change effects on fruit flies infesting fruits

"The effect of relative humidity and temperature regimes on pupae survival of six Tephritid fruit flies, Bactrocera cucurbitae (later named as Zeugodacus cucurbitae), Bactrocera invadens (later named as B. dorsalis), Ceratitis capitata, Ceratitis cosyra, Dacus ciliatus and Dacus vertebratus was investigated. Four relative humidities namely 32,5%; 55%; 85% and 96% were tested on pupae at three constant temperatures 20°C; 25°C and 30°C on the one hand and the three constant temperatures 20°C; 25°C and 30°C with four relative humidities were tested on pupae at the respective relative humidity of 32,5%; 55%; 85% and 96% on the other hand. The results showed on one hand that for most of species, high percentages of adult emergence were obtained when the pupae were incubated at the high relative humidity of 85% and 96% at 20°C; 25°C and 30°C, except C. cosyra which gave the opposite trends at 25°C. On the other hand the pupae incubated at 20°C, 25°C and 30°C and 32,5%; 85% and 96% relative humidities gave higher percentage of emergence at 20°C and 25°C higher than that of pupae incubated at 30°C for all species. The temperature 25°C is the most favourable for the pupae emergence of B. cucurbitae, B. invadens, C. cosyra, D. ciliatus and D. vertebratus, and 20°C for C. capitata with 55% relative humidity. These results not only help to determine the ideal conditions for rearing different fruit fly species in the laboratory but also predict their abundance and geographical distribution in various agro-ecologies. The results will also contribute to the successful management of these insect pests in Africa and in the world.


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Creator Hanna, Rachid
Creator Affiliation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Creator email
Creator ID Type ORCID
Creator ID 0000-0002-5715-0144
Subject Vocab (AGROVOC/GACS/CAB) Fruit,Species,Temperature,Relative humidity,Bactrocera dorsalis,Ceratitis capitata,Ceratitis,Dacus
Subject(s) Integrated program,Agroecologies,Fruit fly species,Zeugodacus cucurbitae,Ceratitis cosyra,Dacus ciliatus,Dacus vertebratus
Publisher International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Person 1 Jennette Winsou
Contributor Person 1 Affiliation
Contributor Person 1 email
Contributor Person 2 Désiré Gnanvossou
Contributor Person 2 Affiliation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Person 2 email
Contributor Person 3 Aimé Hyppolite Bokonon-Ganta
Contributor Person 3 Affiliation
Contributor Person 3 email
Contributor Person 4 Sunday Ekesi
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Contributor Person 5 Samira A. Mohamed
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Contributor Project Lead Organisation Center International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Project Lead Center International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Initiative/CRP CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE)
Contributor Partner Not applicable
Contributor Donor IITA core donors & BMZ Mango IPM
Contributor Project Effects of relative humidity and temperature on the survival of pupae of some fruit fly species infesting fruits and fruit vegetables in Benin
Project ID
Contributor Affiliation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Open-Access status Open Access
Production Date 2021-07-21
Embargo End Date 2023-07-21
Content Type Dataset
File Format csv
Identifier Type DOI
Identifier Citation
Source Effects of relative humidity and temperature on the survival of pupae of some fruit fly species infesting fruits and fruit vegetables in Benin
Language English
Relation Not applicable
Agroecological Zone Subhumid warm tropics
Coverage Region Western Africa
Coverage country Republic of Benin
Coverage Admin Unit Not applicable
Coverage Y (Latitude) 6.4447
Coverage X (Longitude) 2.5483
Coverage Start Date 2010/01/01
Coverage End Date 2011/12/31
Contact Gnanvossou, Desire
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Restriction CC- Zero
Email Permission None
Rights CC- Zero