Africa RISING-Soybean Baby Trial in Northern Ghana
This data study contains three-year data from three northern regions of Ghana which were collected to evaluate and demonstrate soybean practices. -
Africa RISING-Cowpea Baby Trial in Northern Ghana
About the project Project title: Cowpea Baby Trial in Northern Ghana Project abstract This project aims to evaluate the performance of cowpea varieties by farmers. Project... -
Impact of sustainable intensification technologies on on-farm agricultural di...
The project aimed at testing the hypothesis that the application of sustainable intensification technologies (cereal-legume-vegetable-livestock integrated systems) by... -
Africa RISING-Yield of Maize-Vegetable Intercrop in Northern Ghana
About the project Project title: Africa RISING-Yield of Maize-Vegetable Intercrop as Influenced by Varying Plant Densities in Northern Ghana Project abstract The project... -
Africa RISING-Effects of P-Fertilizer Rates on Groundnut Yield in Northern Ghana
About the project Project title: Africa RISING-Effects of P-Fertilizer Rates on Groundnut in Northern Ghana Project abstract The data set evaluates adaptability and... -
Africa RISING-Spraying Regime Effects on the Grain Yield of Cowpea Varieties ...
About the project Project title: Africa RISING-Spraying Regime Effects on the Grain Yield of Cowpea Varieties in Northern Ghana Project abstract The data set evaluate... -
Africa RISING-On-Farm Testing and Dissemination of Combination of Technologie...
About the project Project title: On-Farm Testing and Dissemination of Combination of Technologies Project abstract This project was conceived with the goal to evaluate the... -
Africa RISING - A Two Year Cereal Legume in Northern Ghana
This study contains data from different cereal legume rotation systems in northern Ghana. About the project Project title: A Two Year Cereal Legume Rotation in Northern... -
A Survey on Nutrition Related Issues by AVRDC
AVRDC conducted a survey on nutrition related issues, which was planned jointly with ICRISAT. While AVRDC will make the detailed results available as appropriate, the following... -
Test and Disseminate Technologies to Intensity Vegetable Mono-cropping
This data study explores integrating vegetable into cereal-legume cropping productions systems in Ghana About the project Project title: AfricaRISING - Sustainable... -
Testing and Dissemination of Improve Varieties and Agronomic Practices Using ...
This study explores raising and sustaining productivity in cereal-legume cropping systems in northern Ghana About the project Project title: AfricaRISING - Sustainable... -
Crop Diversification in Maize-Based Cropping System: Maize-Sesame Intercropping
This data study explores raising and sustaining productivity in cereal-legume cropping systems in northern Ghana About the project Project title: AfricaRISING -... -
Rapid Characterisation of Farming Systems in Africa RISING- Ghana
This data study contains household and community survey data in support of Africa RISING farming systems analysis. About the project Project title: AfricaRISING- Sustainable... -
Scaling-Up Sustainable Cropping Practices: 'Zia' and 'Micro-dosing'
This data study explores raising and sustaining productivity in cereal-legume cropping systems in northern Ghana. About the project Project title: AfricaRISING - Sustainable... -
Ghana Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation ...
As part of the US government’s Feed the Future initiative that aims to address global hunger and food security issues in sub-Saharan Africa, the US Agency for International...