Transhumance Practices in Southern Region of Mali
This study contains data from individual household survey on different transhumance practices; local perceptions on benefits and constraints of these practices; and the effects... -
Magnitude and Determinant of Child Undernutrition in Southern Mali
This study contains data on indicators of nutritional status such as weight for height based on the framework of baseline assessments and methods developed for an agriculture... -
Monitoring of Market Prices, Characterization of Value Chains, Cost and Benef...
This research aims (1) monitor the market prices on quarterly basis in Bougouni and Koutiala, (2) make a comparative analysis of on-farm trials conducted in intervention zones... -
Seven Modules on Nutrition Developed by AVRDC, AMEDD and ICRISAT
The topics treated during the nutrition field school sessions were (1) nutrition of children between six and 24 months and preparation of enriched porridge using whole grain... -
A Survey on Nutrition Related Issues by AVRDC
AVRDC conducted a survey on nutrition related issues, which was planned jointly with ICRISAT. While AVRDC will make the detailed results available as appropriate, the following... -
Baseline Survey on Household and Farmer Organization in Bougouni and Koutiala
This data study contains data on the activities by concerned farmer organizations and focuses on household, farmers’ way of life, family members, property and income-generating... -
Mali Africa RISING: Agronomic Trials in Bougouni, 2013
This data study contains data on the village level rangeland biomass measurements About the project Project title: Mali Africa RISING: Agronomic Trials in Bougouni, 2013... -
Mali Africa RISING: Farm Characterization Survey
This data study contains data on the farm characterization survey conducted in the villages of Sirakele, Sibirila, and Dieba. About the project Project title: Africa RISING-... -
Mali Africa RISING: Integrated Intensification Options for Livestock Feeding
This data study contains data on the sheep feeding trials conducted in Yorobougoula, Sibirila, and Dieba in Mali. About the project Project title: Mali Africa RISING:... -
Rapid Characterisation of Farming Systems in Africa RISING-MALI
This data study contains household and community survey in support of Africa RISING farming systems analysis. About the project Project title: Rapid Characterization of... -
Mali Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (...
As part of the US government’s Feed the Future initiative that aims to address global hunger and food security issues in sub-Saharan Africa, the US Agency for International...