Assessment of Varieties (Selections from MalamMadori) of Cassava for high yie...
Assessment of Varieties (Selections from MalamMadori) of Cassava for high yield, disease resistance in Advanced Yield Trial (30 clones) in Mokwa 2003/2004 Breeding Season -
Assessment of Varieties of Cassava for high yield, disease resistance in a Ad...
Assessment of Varieties of Cassava for high yield, disease resistance in a Advanced Yield Trial (17 clones) in Ibadan 1999/2000 Breeding Season -
Assessment of Varieties of Cassava for high yield, disease resistance (cmd) i...
Assessment of Varieties of Cassava for high yield, disease resistance (cmd) in Demo Trial (28 clones) in ADP Edo State 2003/2004 Breeding Season -
Assessment of Varieties of Cassava for high yield and disease resistance usin...
Assessment of Varieties of Cassava for high yield and disease resistance using Uniform Yield Trial (25 clones) in JOS 1999/2000 Breeding Season -
Year two of Uniform Yield Trial using 34 accessions in Umudike selected from ...
Year two of Uniform Yield Trial using 34 accessions in Umudike selected from 15.GS.C1.AYT.29,AYT.28 and AYT.44 -
YEAR TWO OF Uniform Yield Trial using 34 accessions in Ubiaja selected from 1...
YEAR TWO OF Uniform Yield Trial using 34 accessions in Ubiaja selected from 15.GS.C1.AYT.29,AYT.28 and AYT.44 -
Year two of Uniform Yield Trial using 34 accessions in Otobi selected from 15...
Year two of Uniform Yield Trial using 34 accessions in Otobi selected from 15.GS.C1.AYT.29,AYT.28 and AYT.44 -
Year two of Uniform Yield Trial using 34 accessions in Onne selected from 15....
Year two of Uniform Yield Trial using 34 accessions in Onne selected from 15.GS.C1.AYT.29,AYT.28 and AYT.44 -
YEAR TWO OF Uniform Yield Trial using 34 accessions in Mokwa selected from 15...
YEAR TWO OF Uniform Yield Trial using 34 accessions in Mokwa selected from 15.GS.C1.AYT.29,AYT.28 and AYT.44 -
YEAR TWO OF Uniform Yield Trial using 34 accessions in Ikenne selected from 1...
YEAR TWO OF Uniform Yield Trial using 34 accessions in Ikenne selected from 15.GS.C1.AYT.29,AYT.28 and AYT.44 -
Assessment of Varieties of Cassava for high yield, disease resistance and hig...
Assessment of Varieties of Cassava for high yield, disease resistance and high total carotenoid retention in an Preliminary Yield Trial (EXPANDED) (25 clones) in Ibadan... -
Variability of soybean response to rhizobia inoculant, vermicompost, and a le...
Phase-II will set up sustainable, institutionalized quality control and regulatory systems for commercial products to enable the new country partners to continue screening new... -
Assessment of Varieties of Cassava for high yield, high dry matter and diseas...
Assessment of Varieties of Cassava for high yield, high dry matter and disease resistance using Preliminary Yield Trial (28 clones) in Ibadan 2017/2018 Breeding Season from... -
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyplo...
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyploidy using colchicine treatment in a uniformed Yied trial in Zaria (32 clones) 2001/2002 Breeding Season -
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyplo...
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyploidy using colchicine treatment in a uniformed Yied trial in mokwa (36clones) 2003/2004 Breeding Season -
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyplo...
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyploidy using colchicine treatment in a uniformed Yied trial in mokwa (34clones) 2002/2003 Breeding Season -
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyplo...
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyploidy using colchicine treatment in a uniformed Yied trial in Ibadan (34 clones) 2001/2002 Breeding... -
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyplo...
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyploidy using colchicine treatment in a uniformed Yied trial in Ibadan (30 clones) 2001/2002 Breeding... -
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyplo...
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyploidy using colchicine treatment in a uniformed Yied trial (34 clones)in Mokwa 2001/2002 Breeding Season -
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyplo...
Assessment of cassava varieties(tetraploid) generated through induced polyploidy using colchicine treatment in a uniformed Yied trial (30 clones)in Zaria 2001/2002 Breeding Season