Extreme rainfall indices in Ghana

The Sustainable Intensification of the Mixed Farming System Initiative (SIMFS) aims to provide equitable, transformative pathways for improved livelihoods of actors in mixed farming systems through sustainable intensification within target agro-ecologies and socioeconomic settings. Implemented in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Laos PDR, Nepal, and Malawi; this Initiative works with a wide array of partners, including demand, innovation, and scaling partners from national agricultural research and extension systems, universities, local and international NGOs, farmer associations, agricultural administrations, international agricultural research centers, national governments, policymakers, and the private sector.


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Field Value
Creator Muthoni, Francis
Creator Affiliation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Creator email f.muthoni@cgiar.org
Creator ID Type ORCID
Creator ID 0000-0001-6785-0550
Subject Vocab (AGROVOC/GACS/CAB) Climate extremes,Climate Change,Rainfall extremes,Rainfall
Subject(s) Climate extreme indices,Total precipitation,Consecutive wet days, Consecutive dry days
Publisher International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Person 1 Winifred Ayinpogbilla Atiah
Contributor Person 1 Affiliation
Contributor Person 1 email
Contributor Person 2 Robert Johnson
Contributor Person 2 Affiliation
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Contributor Project Lead Organisation Center International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Project Lead Center International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Initiative/CRP Non-CRP
Contributor Partner Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
Contributor Donor OneCGIAR
Contributor Project Resilient Agri-Food Systems: Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems (SIMFS)
Project ID PJ-RA3629
Contributor Affiliation
Open-Access status Open Access
Production Date 2023-01-12
Embargo End Date
Content Type Image
File Format Unidata Network Common Data Form Format (nc)
Identifier Type DOI
Identifier https://doi.org/10.25502/bsb2-7q19/d
Identifier Citation
Source Resilient Agri-Food Systems: Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems (SIMFS)
Language English
Relation Not applicable
Agroecological Zone Subhumid warm tropics
Coverage Region Western Africa
Coverage country Ghana
Coverage Admin Unit Not applicable
Coverage Y (Latitude) 4.5N - 11.5N
Coverage X (Longitude) 3.5W - 1.5E
Coverage Start Date 2022-04-01
Coverage End Date 2022-10-30
Contact Muthoni, Francis; GIS Specialist; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contact Email F.Muthoni@cgiar.org
Restriction CC-BY 4.0
Email Permission None
Rights CC-BY 4.0