Isolation, characterization and selection of indigenous Bradyrhizobium strains with outstanding symbiotic performance to increase soybean yields in Mozambique

Science-based “research-in-development” project focused on putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers growing legume crops in Africa


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Additional Info

Field Value
Creator Chibeba, Amaral
Creator Affiliation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Creator email
Creator ID Type ORCID
Creator ID 0000-0001-6019-4482
Subject Vocab (AGROVOC/GACS/CAB) Biological nitrogen fixation,Symbiosis,Soybean,Rhizobium,PCR
Subject(s) Promiscuous soybean,Soybean,16S rRNA,BOX-PCR
Publisher International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Person 1 Stephen Kyei-Boahen
Contributor Person 1 Affiliation
Contributor Person 1 email
Contributor Person 2 Maria de Fatima Guimaraes
Contributor Person 2 Affiliation
Contributor Person 2 email
Contributor Person 3 Marco Antonio Nogueira
Contributor Person 3 Affiliation
Contributor Person 3 email
Contributor Person 4 Mariangela Hunguria
Contributor Person 4 Affiliation
Contributor Person 4 email
Contributor Person 5
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Contributor Person 5 email
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Contributor Person 18
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Contributor Person 19
Contributor Person 19 Affiliation
Contributor Person 19 email
Contributor Project Lead Organisation Center International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Project Lead Center International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Initiative/CRP CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes
Contributor Partner Not Applicable
Contributor Donor Embrapa, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Contributor Project Not Applicable
Project ID
Contributor Affiliation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Open-Access status Open Access
Production Date 2013-04-05
Embargo End Date 2014-04-05
Content Type Dataset
File Format csv
Identifier Type DOI
Identifier Citation Chibeba, A.M., Kyei-Boahen, S., Guimaraes, M.d., Nogueira, M.A., Hungria, M. (2017). Isolation, characterization and selection of indigenous Bradyrhizobium strains with outstanding symbiotic performance to increase soybean yields in Mozambique. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 246, 291–305. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2017.06.017
Language English
Relation Not Applicable
Agroecological Zone Semihumid warm tropics
Coverage Region Southern Africa
Coverage country Mozambique
Coverage Admin Unit Not Applicable
Coverage Y (Latitude) -14.54650, -14.59670, -14.62520
Coverage X (Longitude) 34.18660, 34.18650, 33.98170
Coverage Start Date 2013-03-29
Coverage End Date 2013-04-05
Contact Chibeba, Amaral; Postdoctoral Fellow – Agronomy / Soil Microbiology, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contact Email
Restriction CC-BY 4.0
Email Permission None
Rights CC-BY 4.0