Rwanda Single Diseased Stem Removal Trials Data

Bioversity and IITA saw great benefits for Rwandan farmers and the public agricultural administration should SDSR become an accepted option for the management of BXW. To achieve that, It was proposed to establish 4 on-farm pilot sites that function as combined demonstration plots as well as research platforms for RAB data collection and technical analysis.


Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Creator Blomme, Guy
Creator Affiliation The Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT
Creator email
Creator ID Type ORCID
Creator ID 0000-0002-3857-964X
Subject Vocab (AGROVOC/GACS/CAB) Banana,Banana Xanthomonas wilt
Subject(s) Single Diseased Stem Removal,Complete Mat Uprooting
Publisher Alliance Bioversity-CIAT
Contributor Person 1 Petronille Dusingizimana
Contributor Person 1 Affiliation
Contributor Person 1 email
Contributor Person 2 Jules Ntamwira
Contributor Person 2 Affiliation
Contributor Person 2 email
Contributor Person 3 Elizabeth Kearsley
Contributor Person 3 Affiliation
Contributor Person 3 email
Contributor Person 4 Svetlana Gaidashova
Contributor Person 4 Affiliation
Contributor Person 4 email
Contributor Person 5 Anne Rietveld
Contributor Person 5 Affiliation Alliance Bioversity-CIAT
Contributor Person 5 email
Contributor Person 6 Boudy Van Schagen
Contributor Person 6 Affiliation
Contributor Person 6 email
Contributor Person 7 Walter Ocimati
Contributor Person 7 Affiliation Alliance Bioversity-CIAT
Contributor Person 7 email
Contributor Person 8
Contributor Person 8 Affiliation
Contributor Person 8 email
Contributor Person 9
Contributor Person 9 Affiliation
Contributor Person 9 email
Contributor Person 10
Contributor Person 10 Affiliation
Contributor Person 10 email
Contributor Person 11
Contributor Person 11 Affiliation
Contributor Person 11 email
Contributor Person 12
Contributor Person 12 Affiliation
Contributor Person 12 email
Contributor Person 13
Contributor Person 13 Affiliation
Contributor Person 13 email
Contributor Person 14
Contributor Person 14 Affiliation
Contributor Person 14 email
Contributor Person 15
Contributor Person 15 Affiliation
Contributor Person 15 email
Contributor Person 16
Contributor Person 16 Affiliation
Contributor Person 16 email
Contributor Person 17
Contributor Person 17 Affiliation
Contributor Person 17 email
Contributor Person 18
Contributor Person 18 Affiliation
Contributor Person 18 email
Contributor Person 19
Contributor Person 19 Affiliation
Contributor Person 19 email
Contributor Project Lead Organisation Center Bioversity International
Contributor Project Lead Center Alliance Bioversity-CIAT
Contributor Initiative/CRP CGIAR Research Program on Fish
Contributor Partner International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Donor CGIAR Roots,Tubers and Bananas; Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ
Contributor Project BXW management in Rwanda: The case for demonstration sites for Single Diseased Stem Removal
Project ID
Contributor Affiliation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Open-Access status Limited Access
Production Date 2020-02-16
Embargo End Date 2022-03-24
Content Type Dataset
File Format csv
Identifier Type DOI
Identifier Citation
Source BXW management in Rwanda: The case for demonstration sites for Single Diseased Stem Removal
Language English
Relation Not applicable
Agroecological Zone Subhumid cool tropics
Coverage Region Eastern Africa
Coverage country Rwanda
Coverage Admin Unit Not applicable
Coverage Y (Latitude) -56.62233
Coverage X (Longitude) 29.88056
Coverage Start Date 2019-01-24
Coverage End Date 2020-02-16
Contact Blomme, Guy; Alliance Bioversity-CIAT
Contact Email
Restriction CC-Zero
Email Permission None
Rights CC-Zero