Effect of sampling methods and maturity on the minerals(Trace) compositions of yellow cassava roots

The correct estimation of the mineral content of cassava (Manihot esculenta) genotypes is vital from a nutritional point of view. This study evaluated the effects of the storage root section, maturity, and sampling method on the macro- and microelements in yellow-fleshed cassava root genotypes.


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Additional Info

Field Value
Creator Alamu, Oladeji
Creator Affiliation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Creator email o.alamu@cgiar.org
Creator ID Type ORCID
Creator ID 0000-0001-6263-1359
Subject Vocab (AGROVOC/GACS/CAB) Cassava,Genotypes,Maturity,Calcium,Magnesium,Potassium,Sodium,Phosphorus,Sulpur
Subject(s) Yellow-fleshed cassava,Macronutrient,Genotypic variations,Sampling method
Publisher International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Person 1 Busie Maziya-Dixon
Contributor Person 1 Affiliation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Person 1 email B.Maziya-Dixon@cgiar.org
Contributor Person 2 Consent Sibeso
Contributor Person 2 Affiliation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Person 2 email C.Sibeso@cgiar.org
Contributor Person 3 Elizabeth Parkes
Contributor Person 3 Affiliation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Person 3 email e.parkes@cgiar.org
Contributor Person 4 Alfred Dixon
Contributor Person 4 Affiliation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Person 4 email A.Dixon@cgiar.org
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Contributor Person 19
Contributor Person 19 Affiliation
Contributor Person 19 email
Contributor Project Lead Organisation Center International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Project Lead Center International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Contributor Initiative/CRP CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH)
Contributor Partner Not applicable
Contributor Donor CGIAR program Roots, Tubers and Banana, IITA/Core, HarvestPlus
Contributor Project Effect of sampling methods and maturity on the minerals(Trace) compositions of yellow cassava roots
Project ID
Contributor Affiliation Not Applicable
Open-Access status Open Access
Production Date 2020-07-14
Embargo End Date
Content Type Dataset
File Format csv
Identifier Type DOI
Identifier doi.org/10.25502/6c0v-sh77/d
Identifier Citation Variations of macro- and microelements in yellow-fleshed cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) genotypes as a function of storage root portion, harvesting time, and sampling method. Alamu, E. O., Maziya-Dixon, B., Sibeso, C., Parkes, E. and Dixon, A. doi.org/10.3390/app10165396
Source Effect of sampling methods and maturity on the minerals(Trace) compositions of yellow cassava roots
Language English
Relation Not applicable
Agroecological Zone Subhumid warm tropics
Coverage Region Western Africa
Coverage country Nigeria
Coverage Admin Unit Not applicable
Coverage Y (Latitude) 9.60004
Coverage X (Longitude) 7.99997
Coverage Start Date 2019-07-21
Coverage End Date 2020-05-06
Contact Alamu, Oladeji; Food Science and Technology, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Restriction CC-Zero
Email Permission None
Rights CC-Zero