Population dynamics of banana aphid
Quantitative knowledge of the relative impact of factors that affect a species’ population dynamics is necessary for its conservation or control. The banana aphid, Pentalonia... -
Boric acid for suppression of the ant Anoplolepis tenella and effects on an a...
The scale insect, Stictococcus vayssierei, is one of the major pests and constraints to cassava production in the Congo Basin. It is frequently found associated with the ground... -
Transport and Dispersal of Stictococcus Vayssierei (Hemiptera, Stictococcidae...
Dispersal can be a crucial factor affecting fitness in insects. We conducted a series of experiments and observations with the aim of determining the dispersal mode of the... -
How plants and honeydew-producing hemipterans affect ant species richness and...
Extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) and hemipteran honeydew are often discussed as two alternative mechanisms encouraging ant visitation in mutualistic ant–plant relationships, but... -
Ant functional groups in the Congo Basin
Ants have been shown as particularly affected by land disturbance through deforestation and conversion of forest to agriculture. The effect of land use change on ant diversity... -
Ant Diversity in Dominant vegetation types of Southern Cameroon
Ants have been shown as particularly affected by land disturbance through deforestation and conversion of forest to agriculture. The effect of land use change on ant diversity...