Cassava pest and disease surveillance survey in Western Tanzania, Luapula, No...
Cassava pest and disease surveillance survey in Western Tanzania, Luapula, Northern and North-western Zambia -
Results from the first season of analysis for 8 cassava varieties
A challenge observed is the nature of RTB crops which demand more strategic logistics as the ‘seed’ of RTB crops are not grains but cuttings, suckers or vines. These are bulkier... -
Evaluating efficacy of two commercial entomopathogenic fungi biopesticides (L...
Whiteflies Bemisia tabaci are a threat to cassava production in sub-Saharan Africa as vectors of two major viral diseases (cassava mosaic and cassava brown streak disease).... -
Cassava Yield Study, Certified seed vs recycled seed performance 2021
Evaluation of yield benefits of certified cassava seed. -
Cassava Yield Study, Certified seed vs recycled seed performance 2020
Evaluation of yield benefits of certified cassava seed.