Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative Malawi Basel...
The Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative aims to provide equitable, transformative pathways for improved livelihoods of actors in mixed farming... -
Ghana SIMFS Baseline Data
The Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems (SI-MFS) Initiative targets the sustainable intensification of farming on approximately 2.5 billion hectares globally,... -
HumidTropic Baseline and Impact assessment of CIALCA project in Democratic Re...
"IITA is implementing a baseline survey of Humid Tropic program in Rwanda, Congo and Burundi. The survey will serve not only as the baseline against which the HumidTropic... -
TAAT Training beneficiary database
The Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is a program initiated by the African Development Bank (AfDB) as part of its Feed Africa Initiative. The main... -
TAAT Training database
The approach to scaling technologies based on national boundaries needs to be replaced by an approach that involves agro-ecological zones that spread across multiple countries.... -
TAAT seed production and dissemination
The Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is a program initiated by the African Development Bank (AfDB) as part of its Feed Africa Initiative. The main... -
TAAT Demo Promo Compaign Database
The Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is a program initiated by the African Development Bank (AfDB) as part of its Feed Africa Initiative. The main... -
TAAT beneficiaries reached - Seed Dissemination
The Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is a program initiated by the African Development Bank (AfDB) as part of its Feed Africa Initiative. The main... -
HumidTropic Baseline and Impact assessment of CIALCA project in Rwanda
IITA is implementing a baseline survey of Humid Tropic program in Rwanda, Congo and Burundi. The survey will serve not only as the baseline against which the HumidTropic program... -
HumidTropic Baseline and Impact assessment of CIALCA project in Burundi
"IITA is implementing a baseline survey of Humid Tropic program in Rwanda, Congo and Burundi. The survey will serve not only as the baseline against which the HumidTropic... -
Feed Assesment Tool (FEAST)
IITA with the commitment of other CGIAR centers (CIAT, ICRAF and IFPRI), provide support for creation of a conducive environment to intra-regional trade, management of... -
The Consortium for Improving Agriculture-based Livelihoods in Central Africa (CIALCA) is an innovative research-for-development partnership operating in Burundi, eastern DR...