HumidTropic Baseline and Impact assessment of CIALCA project in Democratic Re...
"IITA is implementing a baseline survey of Humid Tropic program in Rwanda, Congo and Burundi. The survey will serve not only as the baseline against which the HumidTropic... -
Agronomic performance of two cassava varieties (MM96/0287 and MM96/0735) intr...
Project objective is to increase smallholders productivity and market access for targeted commodities (Banana, Cassava, Vegetables and Milk). The project is structured around... -
Screening new plantain hybrid for yield and resistance black sigatoka disease...
The project aim was to promote integrated crop management technologies to improve plantain productivity of smallholder farmers in West and Central Africa. The experiments were... -
HumidTropic Baseline and Impact assessment of CIALCA project in Rwanda
IITA is implementing a baseline survey of Humid Tropic program in Rwanda, Congo and Burundi. The survey will serve not only as the baseline against which the HumidTropic program... -
HumidTropic Baseline and Impact assessment of CIALCA project in Burundi
"IITA is implementing a baseline survey of Humid Tropic program in Rwanda, Congo and Burundi. The survey will serve not only as the baseline against which the HumidTropic...