Data for survey on cocoa farming
Assessing indigenous knowledge on the judiciousness of agriculture management practices and measuring the impact of local farming practices on soil carbon and other soil... -
Soil analysis data from the localities of Ntui and Ebolowa for research on th...
Cocoasoils aims to deploy an Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) approach that embraces an integrated system’s approach to cocoa intensification while combining improved... -
Bouamir Camp Manual Weather Station
The Congo Basin Institute is a center of higher learning and scientific excellence in Central Africa. The Congo Basin Institute and the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife... -
ISFM/SOM long-term trials soil data
Collecting long-term data from ISFM maize trials and modelling them with the DayCent model -
N2Africa partnerships data, 2016
N2Africa is to contribute to increasing biological nitrogen fixation and productivity of grain legumes among African smallholder farmers which will contribute to enhancing soil... -
N2Africa Baseline Survey - Togo, 2012
N2Africa is to contribute to increasing biological nitrogen fixation and productivity of grain legumes among African smallholder farmers which will contribute to enhancing soil... -
ACAI fraction of photosynthetically rational for cassava
The African Cassava Agronomy Initiative (ACAI) aims at improving cassava root yield and quality, and cassava supply to the processing sector. The project has 6 use cases of... -
Cassava best planting practices total biomass
The African Cassava Agronomy Initiative (ACAI) aims at improving cassava root yield and quality, and cassava supply to the processing sector. The project has 6 use cases of... -
Cassava best planting practices set 4 soil data
The African Cassava Agronomy Initiative (ACAI) aims at improving cassava root yield and quality, and cassava supply to the processing sector. The project has 6 use cases of... -
Cassava best planting practices set 5
The African Cassava Agronomy Initiative (ACAI) aims at improving cassava root yield and quality, and cassava supply to the processing sector. The project has 6 use cases of... -
Cassava best planting practices dry matter yield
The African Cassava Agronomy Initiative (ACAI) aims at improving cassava root yield and quality, and cassava supply to the processing sector. The project has 6 use cases of... -
Cassava best planting practices set 4
The African Cassava Agronomy Initiative (ACAI) aims at improving cassava root yield and quality, and cassava supply to the processing sector. The project has 6 use cases of... -
Nutrient omission trials cassava root yield data from Nigeria and Tanzania
ACAI is a 5 year Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded project in 5 countries in Africa (Nigeria and Tanzania) providing tailored agronomic advice to small scale cassava... -
Combining organic and mineral fertilizers as a climate-smart integrated soil ...
Low productivity and climate change require climate-smart agriculture (CSA) for sub- Saharan Africa (SSA), through (i) sustainably increasing crop productivity, (ii) enhancing... -
Africa Soil Information System - Phase 1, Tuchila S2
The AFSIS project aimed to establish an Africa Soil Information system. Data was collected in sentinel sites across sub-Saharan Africa using the Land Degradation Surveilllance... -
Africa Soil Information System - Phase 1, Tuchila S1
The AFSIS project aimed to establish an Africa Soil Information system. Data was collected in sentinel sites across sub-Saharan Africa using the Land Degradation Surveilllance... -
Africa Soil Information System - Phase 1, Sidindi SR
The AFSIS project aimed to establish an Africa Soil Information system. Data was collected in sentinel sites across sub-Saharan Africa using the Land Degradation Surveilllance... -
Africa Soil Information System - Phase 1, Sidindi LR
The AFSIS project aimed to establish an Africa Soil Information system. Data was collected in sentinel sites across sub-Saharan Africa using the Land Degradation Surveilllance... -
Africa Soil Information System - Phase 1, Pampaida
The AFSIS project aimed to establish an Africa Soil Information system. Data was collected in sentinel sites across sub-Saharan Africa using the Land Degradation Surveilllance... -
Africa Soil Information System - Phase 1, Nkhata Bay S2
The AFSIS project aimed to establish an Africa Soil Information system. Data was collected in sentinel sites across sub-Saharan Africa using the Land Degradation Surveilllance...