Long term Biochar Trials in Kenya
In this project, we report findings from the 15 years of meta-replicated trials, which are assessing the effect of biochar addition on maize and soybean rotations in... -
Zero Hunger Project Baseline Data for Ogun State
This project is a strategic initiative to ensure that government policies from agriculture development do lead to actual agricultural transformation in Nigeria and Togo towards... -
Zero Hunger Project Baseline Data for Benue State
This project is a strategic initiative to ensure that government policies from agriculture development do lead to actual agricultural transformation in Nigeria and Togo towards... -
Zero Hunger Project Baseline Data for Ebonyi State
This project is a strategic initiative to ensure that government policies from agriculture development do lead to actual agricultural transformation in Nigeria and Togo towards... -
Enhancing Resilient and Adaptive Agricultural Livelihoods In Uganda—Scaling o...
The Activity aims to improve smallholder farmers’ livelihoods through increased incomes resulting from increased yields, better organization, and coordination of farmers,... -
Etude de chaines de valeurs et de Marché des principaux speculations aux iles...
Dans un contexte de déficit de produits agricoles, l’Union des Comores a bénéficié d’un financement de la part du FIDA et de l’ASAP constituant une partie de don et de prêt à... -
Enhancing Resilient and Adaptive Agricultural Livelihoods In Uganda—Scaling o...
The Activity aims to improve smallholder farmers’ livelihoods through increased incomes resulting from increased yields, better organization, and coordination of farmers,... -
Enhancing Resilient and Adaptive Agricultural Livelihoods in Uganda - Endline...
This Activity was anchored on the most promising tools and approaches that IITA, NARO, and their partners developed during an earlier USAID-funded Activity (Phase I). Various...