IPM of cassava whiteflies and whitefly-transmitted viruses through farmer par...
RTB crops are of strategic importance to the future food security of Africa under predicted climate change scenarios. Cassava is the most important RTB crop in Africa, and its... -
Phenotypic and genotypic data of 187 extra-early orang inbreds evaluated unde...
The Accelerated Genetic Gains in Maize and Wheat for Improved Livelihoods (AGG) project is a major initiative aimed at boosting agricultural productivity and food security in... -
ALL SURVEY DATA - Distribution and impact of the predatory mite Typhlodromalu...
Biological control of Mononychellus tanajoa -
Distribution and impact of the predatory mite Typhlodromalus aripo on cassava...
Biological control of Mononychellus tanajoa. -
Quantification of Food Systems Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Kenya: A Bottom-Up...
The CGIAR Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems, also known as Mitigate+, works closely with key actors in the target countries so that they are equipped with the knowledge,... -
System Transformation: Mitigation and Transformation Initiative for GHG reduc...
The CGIAR Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems, also known as Mitigate+, works closely with key actors in the target countries so that they are equipped with the knowledge,... -
DArTtag sequence for 376 early yellow and orange maize inbreds_Qced
The Accelerated Genetic Gains in Maize and Wheat for Improved Livelihoods (AGG) project is a major initiative aimed at boosting agricultural productivity and food security in... -
DArTtag sequence for 376 early white maize inbreds_Qced
The Accelerated Genetic Gains in Maize and Wheat for Improved Livelihoods (AGG) project is a major initiative aimed at boosting agricultural productivity and food security in... -
Market intelligence baseline survey
Building resilient seed systems for rice, cassava, cocoa, coffee, and fish value chains to strengthen food and economic diversification in Liberia (Seeds4Liberia) -
The SeEDEQUAL Initiative is an integral part of Genetic Innovation in the One CGIAR Action Area. It is intended for a better CG/NARS breeding impact by focusing on delivering... -
Qualitative assessment on the positionality and preferences of dyads in relat...
Research to strengthen gender integration in the triadic comparisons of technologies (TRICOT) approach for on-farm testing for cassava variety release. -
Survey on Gender and Youth, and Current Practices in the Excellence in Agrono...
The objective of the EiA SAA Nigeria Use Case is to combine three fertilizer recommendation tools (AKILIMO for cassava, Nutrient Expert (NE) for maize and RiceAdvice for rice)... -
Stability of myco-insecticide formulations against fall armyworm
Myco-insecticide formulations were developed using IITA entomopathogenic fungi previously tested on other plants ravagers. The formulations were composed of blended vegetable... -
Efficacy of Cameroon's entomopathogenic fungi against fall armyworm in the sc...
The oil-based mycoinsecticidal formulations developed with Metarhizium anisoplie and Beauveria bassiana were tested for their efficacy against fall armyworm. Black soil and sand... -
Efficacy of Cameroon's entomopathogenic fungi against fall armyworm in the field
The oil-based mycoinsecticidal formulations developed with Metarhizium anisoplie and Beauveria bassiana were tested for their efficacy against fall armyworm. The test was... -
Efficacy of Cameroon's entomopathogenic fungi against fall armyworm in the la...
The efficacy of the developed mycosecticide was tested of instar larvae 3-4 in the laboratory.Immersion was used as previously described in pathogenicity to test the efficacy of... -
DaRT-seq Raw Genotypic Data for Genetic Gain and Diversity Analysis in Bread ...
"Genetic Gain and Diversity in Bread Wheat" focuses on understanding the genetic improvement and diversity within bread wheat varieties. -
Average Land Area Cultivated to VPCs in Oyo, Osun, Crossriver and Edo State
The SeEDEQUAL Initiative is an integral part of Genetic Innovation in the One CGIAR Action Area. It is intended for a better CG/NARS breeding impact by focusing on delivering... -
Geospatial assessment of cowpea response to crop management practices in soil...
Kano State Agro-Pastoral Development Project (KSADP) and Climate Smart Agricultural Technologies (CSAT) for improved Rural Livelihoods and Food Security in Mali and Niger -
pH of myco-insecticide formulations against fall armyworm
Myco-insecticide formulations were developed using IITA entomopathogenic fungi previously tested on other plants ravagers. The formulations were composed of blended vegetable... -
Post harvest for evaluation of yield to study efficacy of developed mycoinsec...
Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana based formulations developed in the IIITA laboratory and sprayed in maize farms. Different parameters were recorded to evaluate the... -
Colony forming unit of myco-insecticide formulations against fall armyworm
Myco-insecticide formulations were developed using IITA entomopathogenic fungi previously tested on other plants ravagers. The formulations were composed of blended vegetable... -
Household Survey Data on climate resilient cowpea variety
N2AFRICA is a large scale, science-based “research-in-development” project focused on putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers growing legume crops in Africa. -
Enhancing Resilient and Adaptive Agricultural Livelihoods In Uganda—Scaling o...
The Activity aims to improve smallholder farmers’ livelihoods through increased incomes resulting from increased yields, better organization, and coordination of farmers,... -
Comparative analysis of different hydroponics substrates for quality seed yam...
YIIFSWA developed new strategies for improved propagation of quality yam planting materials and increased the multiplication ratio from 1:3 to 1:300 using leaf-bud cuttings. -
Assessment of direct-planted nodal cuttings of yam at different plant populat...
YIIFSWA developed new strategies for improved propagation of quality yam planting materials and increased the multiplication ratio from 1:3 to 1:300 using leaf-bud cuttings. -
The evaluation of minitubers produced from hydroponics substrates for growth ...
YIIFSWA developed new strategies for improved propagation of quality yam planting materials and increased the multiplication ratio from 1:3 to 1:300 using leaf-bud cuttings. -
Comparative study on direct-planted and transplanted yam nodal cuttings
YIIFSWA developed new strategies for improved propagation of quality yam planting materials and increased the multiplication ratio from 1:3 to 1:300 using leaf-bud cuttings. -
Field performance of various sizes of yam minitubers derived from vine cuttin...
YIIFSWA developed new strategies for improved propagation of quality yam planting materials and increased the multiplication ratio from 1:3 to 1:300 using leaf-bud cuttings. -
Gender survey for seed yam production and commercialization
YIIFSWA developed new strategies for improved propagation of quality yam planting materials and increased the multiplication ratio from 1:3 to 1:300 using leaf-bud cuttings. -
Varietal performance of different sizes of Dioscorea spp for ware yam production
YIIFSWA developed new strategies for improved propagation of quality yam planting materials and increased the multiplication ratio from 1:3 to 1:300 using leaf-bud cuttings. -
Cassava pest and disease surveillance survey in Western Tanzania, Luapula, No...
Cassava pest and disease surveillance survey in Western Tanzania, Luapula, Northern and North-western Zambia -
Understanding cassava rotting and underlying pathogens across major productio...
Diagnostic and surveillance network established for characterization, monitoring and surveillance of Cassava root rot. The present initiative aims at assessing the situation of... -
Handling PII’s in research data management – Using IITA as case study
Sub-Saharan Africa is fast developing as a hub of research. There are many innovations, governance and sustainable development activities being carried out. These activities... -
Stress Tolerant Maize for Africa for Improved Livelihoods -
Summary agronomic data for model calibration and validation for key crops in ...
Overview of agronomic data for the calibration and validation of models for major crops in sub-Saharan Africa. -
Irrigated endline survey Plastic crates RCT experiment in Nigeria
A randomized experimental design project to reduce postharvest loss in Nigeria by improving access to innovative postharvest technologies and bundling with market linkages in... -
Focus group discussions on yellow cassava preference and adoption challenges
Adoption and impact of biofortified cassava varieties in Nigeria -
Screening for fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) resistance in...
Stress Tolerant Maize for Africa for Improved Livelihoods -
Soybean_Climate Change Impact Data_Agronomy, Kano
N2AFRICA is a large scale, science-based “research-in-development” project focused on putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers growing legume crops in Africa. -
Endosymbiont-Induced Changes in Metabolic Response to Heat treatment in banan...
The project aims to develop management strategies to enable continued banana-plantain production in areas of Sub-Saharan Africa severely affected by banana bunchy top disease,... -
Banana aphid and BBTV transmission: A Comparative Study Across different agro...
The project aims to develop management strategies to enable continued banana-plantain production in areas of Sub-Saharan Africa severely affected by banana bunchy top disease,... -
Insect Biodiversity Assessment in Cashew Orchards 2009-2010
Conduct bioecology studies of cashew pests and their natural enemies and pollinators -
Cassava pest and disease surveillance survey in South-Eastern DRC
RTB crops are of strategic importance to the future food security of Africa under predicted climate change scenarios. Cassava is the most important RTB crop in Africa, and its... -
Oviposition performance of Fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: ...
Bioassay of parasitoids (natural enemies) of armyworms host range for biological control. -
Developmental performance of Fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera...
Bioassay of parasitoids (natural enemies) of armyworms host range for biological control. -
Suitability of Cotesia icipe for biological control of Fall armyworm Spodopte...
Bioassay of parasitoids (natural enemies) of armyworms host range for biological control. -
Acceptability of Cotesia icipe for biological control of Fall armyworm Spodop...
Bioassay of parasitoids (natural enemies) of armyworms host range for biological control. -
Agronomy Data, Kano, Nigeria under KSADP project
A 5-year development project titled; Kano State Agro-Pastoral Development Project (KSADP). The project aims to reach 450,000 smallholder farmers and enhance crop production and... -
Agronomy Data, Kano, Nigeria, Under TAMASA project.
TAMASA is a 4-year project seeking to improve productivity and profitability for small-scale maize farmers in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania.