Data for biomass charaterisation
Assessing indigenous knowledge on the judiciousness of agriculture management practices and measuring the impact of local farming practices on soil carbon and other soil... -
Data for survey on annual crops farming
Assessing indigenous knowledge on the judiciousness of agriculture management practices and measuring the impact of local farming practices on soil carbon and other soil... -
YEAP Online Application list 2020
The Oyo State Youth Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness Project (YEAP) aims to pursue inclusive agribusiness training by empowering the youths to benefit from emerging... -
Understanding the perception of secondary school toward agricultural careers ...
The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis that has gripped the world, causing governments and development agencies to search for critical measures to protect their people. The situation... -
TAAT Training beneficiary database
The Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is a program initiated by the African Development Bank (AfDB) as part of its Feed Africa Initiative. The main... -
TAAT Training database
The approach to scaling technologies based on national boundaries needs to be replaced by an approach that involves agro-ecological zones that spread across multiple countries.... -
TAAT seed production and dissemination
The Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is a program initiated by the African Development Bank (AfDB) as part of its Feed Africa Initiative. The main... -
TAAT Demo Promo Compaign Database
The Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is a program initiated by the African Development Bank (AfDB) as part of its Feed Africa Initiative. The main... -
TAAT beneficiaries reached - Seed Dissemination
The Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is a program initiated by the African Development Bank (AfDB) as part of its Feed Africa Initiative. The main... -
Enhancing Resilient and Adaptive Agricultural Livelihoods In Uganda—Scaling o...
The Activity aims to improve smallholder farmers’ livelihoods through increased incomes resulting from increased yields, better organization, and coordination of farmers,... -
Palliative Distribution for Tomato Farmers
The Nigerian Covid-19 Action Recovery and Economic Stimulus (N-CARES) project aims to protect the livelihoods and food security of poor and vulnerable farmers. The advent of... -
Monitoring Adoption of Agriculture Technologies in Eastern Zambia
This data was collected under a project called “Sustainable Intensification of the Maize-Legume Systems of the Eastern Province of Zambia. The objective of the study was to... -
Intensive Agribusiness Training for YEAP beneficiaries
The Oyo State Youth Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness Project (YEAP) aims to pursue inclusive agribusiness training by empowering the youths to benefit from emerging... -
Impacts of COVID-19 on gender equality, youth and social inclusion (GEYSI)
The study was implemented during the month of October 2020 by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) working with the Cellule d'Analyses des Indicateurs du... -
HumidTropic Baseline and Impact assessment of CIALCA project in Rwanda
IITA is implementing a baseline survey of Humid Tropic program in Rwanda, Congo and Burundi. The survey will serve not only as the baseline against which the HumidTropic program... -
HumidTropic Baseline and Impact assessment of CIALCA project in Burundi
"IITA is implementing a baseline survey of Humid Tropic program in Rwanda, Congo and Burundi. The survey will serve not only as the baseline against which the HumidTropic... -
Household Survey data in major soybean growing districts in Malawi – 2016/17
It is widely recognized that female farmers have considerably less access to productive assets and support services than male farmers. There is limited evidence of gender gaps... -
Farmers perceptions on trends of onset and session of rainfall in Northern Ghana
The timing of onset and cession of rainfall has wide implications on the cropping calendar activities. This information is recorded by rainfall gauge stations that are sparse in... -
Farmer perception on culinary quality of improved plantain genotypes in the c...
The overall objective of the project was to transfer and promote improved plantain production technologies to enhance and profitability of plantain production in PSMNR target... -
Evaluation tuber performance per family in SCG trial in Abuja 2017/2018
Evaluation tuber performance per family and identified best clones to be promoted or advance to the next cycle using some keys trait from the yam crop ontology